Tag Archives: open-office

all creative work must be done in isolation

Creating Perfect Solitude for Creative Focus – Leo

Collaboration and connecting with others is a beautiful thing, but in the end, creation is done in solitude. All great art is done in isolation. All creative work must be done by shutting out the outside world, sitting down, and creating.

a case for knowledge workers having separate offices, including software developers. a big part of knowledge work is creative by nature.

Open-plan offices sickening, unproductive

… review of all literature on the subject found that open-plan offices, which put multiple workers together in the same space, caused high levels of stress and staff turnover, increased workplace conflicts and feelings of insecurity from lack of privacy, caused loss of concentration due to excessive noise, and increased the risk of high blood pressure and infectious diseases.


“All the studies we reviewed had the same conclusion – that the open-plan work environment is one of the worst environments in which you can put an employee.

“The only advantages of working in such an environment is that you can give people the opportunity to communicate better. It can be a much friendlier environment.”

However, the cons far outweigh the pros