Tag Archives: kanban

why kanban? why focus on lead time reduction?

nicely put by David Anderson: agilemanagement.net/index.php/Blog/why_kanban/

(my emphasis)

knowledge workers such as software developers are overburdened, and … suffer from interruptions, task switching and too much multi-tasking as a result of the overburdening. The overburdening comes from a drive to manage for efficiency (or utilization), that knowledge work is invisible and because the future is uncertain

… demand always exceeds capability to supply, and workers are always busy. Often they start more and more work without a focus on finishing it. This in turn leads to long lead times.

Long lead times are correlated with poor quality. This is almost certainly because … much of the knowledge is tacit

…Much of the work is invisible and a shared understanding of the work and the dynamics of the process that created it are often not achieved. …. Misunderstanding of invisible work require large amounts of coordination effort to reconcile and rework is often needed. Insuring quality and an outcome that matches with original expectations is a constant challenge.

Early delivery of knowledge work often creates additional value. … shortening lead times … is almost always desirable.

Short lead time … demonstrate agility. They also create liquidity in the system. Hence, short lead times (or cycle times) are desirable from a risk management perspective.

…. Kanban systems enable us to limit WIP and avoid overburdening by only pulling work when there is capacity. …. Idleness is a signal that there is an opportunity for improvement. Idleness also provides slack with which to make improvements.

Kanban visualizations …. helps immensely with shared understanding reducing coordination effort and improving quality.

Limiting WIP reduces lead time by reducing multi-tasking. Other kanban system design strategies and staff allocation strategies may reduce task switching. …. Knowledge is often stored between and across members of a network. By keeping the time from starting to finishing short, the risk of knowledge perishing or information becoming stale due to external forces, is greatly reduced. The result is a better product and usually a lot faster.


No …. throughput …. quality …. social capital …. customer satisfaction …. governance … risk …

What we care about is always contextual and has to be based on a mix of customer and other stakeholder expectations.

However, lead time is nearly always one of [the things we care about] because it provides benefits in so many dimensions of risk that reducing lead time nearly always improves the satisfaction for one or more stakeholders.

basic principles; starting with kanban

David J Anderson is interviewed by geekwire: How an automotive secret can make for better software.

Agile methods for software development and project management …. are based on a few basic principles: it’s better to make progress with imperfect information and revise later than to wait for better quality information; it’s worthwhile to drive for high quality initially than to drive quality through quality assurance testing and rework late in the cycle; there is a dividend for encouraging a high level of trust and reducing negotiation, contracts, audit and arbitration in working relationships; and knowledge work such as software development is perishable so you should seek to reduce delays and focus on short delivery cycles.

All of these ideas are worthy and useful. Kanban also encourages these. However, it does so in a non-prescriptive, emergent way. Kanban is something you apply to an existing process to catalyze suggestions for improvement and to control variability that adversely affects predictability. The principles of Kanban are: start with the process you use now; agree to pursue incremental evolutionary change (rather than a dramatic change to a new (perhaps Agile) process); initially, respect all current roles, responsibilities and job titles.

(emphasis mine)

what is kanban, and why should you care about it?

David J Anderson is interviewed by geekwire: How an automotive secret can make for better software.

Kanban is a way of visualizing invisible knowledge work activities such as software development, and limiting the quantity of work in progress. Limiting work-in-progress has several benefits: by avoiding over-burdening, quality is often significantly higher, while workers are happier and better motivated; delivery times are usually significantly shorter and far more predictable; priorities are often clear and prioritization decisions are simplified.

Kanban is also helping organizations improve their methods of working in an incremental, evolutionary fashion with reduced resistance to change and adopting new ways of working and collaborating together. Most managers appreciate that resistance to change is a major impediment to improving the economic performance of their business. Kanban is addressing this problem.

(emphasis mine)